i like...
I like how I was given the full autonomy on this project to challenge myself. Instead of following blindly on what's been told to do, autonomy gave me the freedom to make my own decision on how I wanted to approach research and design. One advantage of this was that it forced me to think more deeply about the problem because a good decision could only be made based on a good understanding of the context. More importantly, this autonomy prepared me for dealing with unexpected circumstances so that when the my mentor, the product designer in our team who I often reached out for advice left, I was able to take the initiative to reach out to other resources for help, including Tech Lead, product manager and other product designers.
i wish...
I wish I could have more opportunities to collaborate with other designers during the design process. Because I was the only designer working on this design problem, every time I needed some help or a second eye on my design, I needed to explain the problem space. To a certain extent, it discouraged me from reaching out although I knew I should step out of my comfort zone and take the initiative. More importantly, the reason why I want to collaborate with other designers on a single project is because I also believe in collective wisdom that the best ideas are always the ideas that build upon one another's.
I wish I could have more time to refine my design and explore on the opportunities I discovered along the way. Technically, I was only given 2 months to work on this project in which I spent a majority of the time understanding the products, the problems and brainstorming for solutions, leaving me only two weeks to conduct usability testings, perform analysis and refine my design. I don't regret spending a lot of time on the problems, because I might be solving the wrong problem if I didn't fully understand the problem space. Nonetheless, there were many opportunities I discovered during the process and many interesting findings I got out of the usability testings that I wish I could have more time to explore.
i wonder...
I wonder what if I've also done user interviews and usability testings with other users, not just the primary users. Although at the project level, our primary users are not the authors, authors are the primary users for the question editor page that I was responsible for designing. If I had the opportunities to understand the tools from the authors' perspective, I wouldn't have to design based on the assumptions I had. Understanding authors could also benefit our primary users because some of their pain points were related to their collaboration with the authors. Therefore, improving our authors' experience with the tools could possibly also provide a better user experience for our primary users.
I wonder what if I've pitched my design to the engineers.
i learn...
I've learned to work on the projects with high uncertainty and ambiguity. This project that I worked on was full of uncertainty and ambiguity because we were in a middle of a big change in which we didn't know when and how the change would happen. There were also inconsistencies everywhere such as the use of different language to describe the same thing. Therefore, I've learned to leverage whatever information I had to make decisions appropriate for this given circumstances and prepare for future changes.