01. QOC Diagram
QOC, stands for Questions, Options, Criteria, is a method used in my analysis to narrow down the list of possible solutions based on what I learned from the research and interviews. These diagrams visualized my thought processes and why I chose to proceed with one solution rather than the others.
The first OOC diagram narrowed down solutions based on whether the solutions improve user's overall parking experiences.
The second OOC diagram evaluated whether the solutions meet user's needs of having clear parking information.
02. Storyboard
I created a storyboard to capture user's behaviors and to understand the context or environment where the product is used and the potential constraints faced by the users.
03. Storymapping
I created story maps based on the three personas and their different needs to walk through the tasks and actions they need to take to accomplish their goals. The story maps provided me a big picture of the product by visualizing user's journey.
By extracting and putting together the common pieces found across the three user maps, a common path is developed. This common path allowed me to see the possible features that can benefit users the most and hence are worth designing.
04. User Flow
Lastly, the user flow diagram is created to visualize the steps users take and the decisions they need to make to complete the tasks. I made sure that every interaction the users can make are purposeful in terms of achieving their goals. When developing prototypes, this diagram provided me a structural guide on how to approach and helped me focused on designing the most important interactions.